Victoria: we have reached an agreement with Zurich
maite prim Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain
DEC 5 FROM 2016 ? Hello everyone,
We want to let you know that thanks to your support at, as well as the diligent efforts of our lawyer, Borja Masramon, we have reached an agreement with ZURICH.
We also want to tell you that the pediatrician as of today no longer practices as such.
We can never forget that without you it would not have been possible.
Marañón-Prim family
Our daughter is called Marta. She is 19 years old, she is brave, good and has a great sense of humor.
7 years ago, we took her to our Social Security pediatrician because she had problems that in our opinion were not normal, but our doctor always told us not to worry and we fully trusted her. She was our Doctor, we considered her a good professional and we placed all our trust in her.
We trusted her when the usual vomiting and headaches started. We trusted her when the migraines and dizziness started, her explanation was that the migraines were hereditary because I suffered from them too. We even trusted her when our daughter started talking and walking strangely. Each symptom was transformed into a visit to the pediatrician.
In the official notes, the doctor writes "the mother comes and is afraid that her daughter has a neurological disease." He treated me like a hysterical mother, he told me to accept that my daughter was clumsy and as a solution to the problem he told me to do Hip-hop. He insisted on doing neurological examinations with simple tests such as touching his nose. Later I found out that these exams are not effective for all tumors, but rather for very specific ones, which is obviously gross negligence for not sending a girl to a specialist or not ordering an MRI.
The fact is that my daughter had a benign tumor, which has been growing and destroying her brain. We are always going to think that we committed a great crime, trust the doctor?
Currently my daughter has all kinds of very serious problems, the first is that she has been left in a wheelchair, she can barely speak, she has had to be operated on we don't know how many times and now she has a 76% disability, a unrecoverable right facial paralysis, severe hearing loss, double vision and a long etc. of health problems derived from this tumor.
For all these reasons we decided to file a complaint with the Criminal Court.
The forensic doctor of the Court of Terrassa (Barcelona) itself wrote that we were facing clear medical negligence; The Prosecutor also affirms that it is a clear medical negligence and asks the doctor for 3 years in prison.
We thought that it would not be necessary to go to trial. That if all the administration agents agreed with us, since they do not have any type of interest, Zurich, the insurer that covered the doctor in the exercise of her profession, would agree to pay the compensation, with which we could give our daughter all the care she needs.
But not, It seems that the Zurich Insurance company does not want to pay or even talk to us. I repeat, they don't even want to talk to us to try to find a solution that can alleviate the situation of Marta and that of our family.
Time is running out for Marta, my daughter is wasting away and we need the money to have access to other treatments. The question we ask ourselves is: Why doesn't Zurich pay if it is their obligation? What good is insurance if you have to wait years to receive compensation that may not arrive on time?
We hope that once your case is known and people find out how Zurich Seguros behaves when faced with a problem like my daughter's, they may change their minds.
We need your support to exert pressure on Zurich Seguros (Zurich Insurance) and on the Servei Català de la Salut, so that they do not block Marta's case any longer. That they stop seeing us as an expense in their large benefit account obtained thanks to the collection of all our policies and agree, at least, to meet with us.