Electric Scooter Accident Compensation

Compensation claim for electric scooter accident
Do you need to make a claim for compensation for an electric scooter accident in Barcelona?
You can claim compensation for injuries and damages when you have been hit by an electric scooter.
Currently, in large cities such as Barcelona, and also in some towns, electric scooters and VMPs (private mobility vehicles) have become common and normal transport for short trips.
During the year 2020, the General Directorate of Traffic reported that as a result of electric scooter or VMP (private mobility vehicle) accidents, 8 people had died, 97 had been injured and had had to be admitted to the hospital, and that 1,097 had suffered an accident without the need for to enter the hospital.
- It is important to remember that these vehicles cannot travel on interurban roads.
- It is important to know that if a driver of an electric scooter or VMP (personal mobility vehicle) is driven by a minor, the resulting damages or civil liability will be borne by the parents or guardians.
- The Provincial Court of Madrid, in judgment 425/2018, of November 26, in Appeal 515/2018) affirmed that if the scooter had been rented, the scooter was insured by the company that rented the scooters and that therefore, the insurance company would take charge of the compensation to the pedestrian run over.
- In criminal proceedings we can also defend you since we have lawyers specialized in civil matters, criminal matters and contentious-administrative matters, you can consult our appearances in newspapers and on television to claim compensation and damages in accident and liability matters civilian so you can trust us.
The compensation that you can receive for an accident with an electric scooter are the same as those that are regulated for a normal traffic accident involving vehicles such as motorcycles or cars.
The compensation will always take into account both the days in which you have not been able to work, the consequences that you may have suffered, permanent injuries, damages, and a long etc? which is contained in Law 35/15 of September 22, assessment of damages caused in a traffic accident.
When can you claim in a scooter accident?
In case you have suffered injuries in an electric scooter accident, and you have not been the culprit, will you ALWAYS have the right to claim the damages you have suffered, both damages for injuries, as well as material damages, as well as the damages you may have suffered due to not being able to go to work, and a long etc?
In the event that you believe that you are at fault, do not worry, there is what is called shared guilt, that is, you may think that you are at fault, but it is possible that the other party also has part of the responsibility in the accident, therefore, you could be able to win compensation despite being at fault for the accident.
For example, imagine that you collide with a car and you are at fault, but the other car was going faster than it should, in this case, it would be possible for you to receive compensation for the electric scooter accident.
Consequently, do not trust what you think, since perhaps you deserve compensation and by not asking a lawyer specialized in traffic accidents, you would be losing financial compensation.
Tips in an electric scooter accident
And ask for the police and ambulance to come if necessary. Remember that you have to know the address where you are, if it is in a city it is easier, if it is on a highway try to find out the km or some point of reference so that they can come looking for you, such as a bridge, a gas station, an indicative sign , etc?
Even in minor issues, it is always advisable that if you have suffered injuries or there is any possibility that you have an injury, that the police or the civil traffic guard come, since with your nerves you can often forget important details that the The police must necessarily reflect in the report, such as witness data, or if the other party has insurance, and a long etc? which will be used to prepare a police report.
The police report is a report written by the corresponding police force where it is explained how the accident happened, the identification of all the people, vehicles involved, license plates, insurance, location and even a sketch or plan with the recreation of the accident. For all these reasons, it is very important that the police or the civil guard are there at that moment.
In the first place, because in accidents that happen so quickly, we may not be aware of the damage or injuries that we may have suffered. Usually in hospital emergencies they usually include some diagnostic test such as a CT or MRI to try to make sure that there is no major injury.
Secondly, the new traffic accident law requires us to go to a hospital or doctor within the first 72 hours, since if we had not gone, the insurance company or the insurer's experts could have problems paying the compensation that corresponds to you for the accident on electric scooter.
Name, surname, DNI or NIE or passport and telephone to be able to contact them and give the police the opportunity to speak with them.
try to go to all possible medical specialists urgently to be able to have a diagnosis of the possible consequences that could have suffered in the accident. If after the accident you wait too long to see a doctor, the traffic company will argue that this pathology or injury did not occur in that accident. Possibly the company will argue that during the time that you were not the doctor you were injured and that those injuries cannot be assured that they occurred in the accident. Consequently, it is highly advisable to perform an MRI or some specialized test to be able to detect any injury that we intuit may have occurred.
Compensation for injuries in a skateboarding accident
When we have a scooter accident as a driver or if we have been hit by a scooter and have injuries, we can claim compensation for the damages we have suffered and for the consequences that we may have as a result of it.
A piece of advice for people who are not professionals on the subject is to try to go to the best traffic accident lawyer they know and to the possible doctors in the shortest possible time so that we have the most accurate diagnosis possible to be able to claim all the damages. .
At Masramon Abogados we are lawyers specialized in traffic accidents and we want to help you get the maximum compensation possible.
If, for example, we have suffered an accident and have back pain and do not have an MRI, if after a few months we discover that we have a herniated disc in our back as a result of whiplash, the insurance company could argue that this injury occurred after the accident.
For all this, it is essential to choose the best lawyer specialized in traffic accidents and explain everything that happened, the ailments so that they refer you to the indicated expert who will make an expert report that contains all the injuries and if there is any doubt that another one could appear injury derived from the accident will make you go to another specialist expert.